Sunday, March 27, 2011

Squirmy Little Girl

I've been feeling little hints of activity, not fully sure when they happened what they were, but Friday night, we were sitting on the couch and she was moving all around!  I grabbed Darren's hand, and together we were able to really feel her presence at the same time!  I kept saying I didn't want to have to wait to long to share that, and I didn't!  It isn't happening all the time, but the evening, when I'm laying on the couch, I can definitely feel her little movements.  I wonder who she could get all that squirminess from...? 
We're still completely unsure of a name, but hopefully that will come soon.  I feel like choosing that and choosing how to decorate the nursery are the two big questions right now.  Neither are coming as easily as I had thought, but I feel like we have a little time.  I've been looking for baby bedding that I like, and I really am steering away from characters/animals/pictures in general.  I am pretty sure we're going to go the pink route, but beyond that, who knows?!

It's a GIRL!!

We (as in Darren) decided that we should have a reveal party to find out about our little one... I thought the doctor would be a fine place, but he thought the cake idea sounded fun... I am SO glad we did!
We went to the doctor on Monday (2 weeks ago) and they let us look at everything except the between the legs part... we saw a perfect profile, perfect toes (10, we counted!), and a squirmy body (Darren's child, are we really surprised??)  The ultrasound pro turned the screen and said baby was "very cooperative" for her, then wrote down the gender and put a picture in an envelope and sealed it up.  We left the doctor's office with that envelope, knowing that if we did not get hold of Shannon (the cake lady) that night to drop off the envelope, it would not stay closed if we had to take it home.  Luckily, we did and took it to her... Then the wait...  Lunch on Saturday would include a cake with a clear message- on the inside!  The outside read, "Twinkle twinkle little star... Soon we'll find out who you are"  Shannon is extremely talented and it was just perfect!  I almost hated to cut into it... but there was some important information on the inside!!! (not to mention, it was just too delicious not to eat!)
Friday, my parents came in, followed by my sister and her family on Saturday.  Darren's family came over for lunch, we got Shauna (sister-in-law) on a phone, Danny (brother) via Skype on my computer and Sarah (Danny's wife), Cobin, and Brinlee via Skype on Darren's computer.  When everyone was settled, Darren and I took a knife, cut a slice, and pulled out a beautiful piece of strawberry cake, which of course is pink, meaning GIRL!

Cobin's response was, "Better luck next time!"  We're very excited!  It has suddenly taken on a very real feeling.  No longer this little unknown making my stomach twist and turn, but this little girl who is already turning our hearts!  The first question is about a name... I think we'll have a daughter before she has a name!  Hopefully we can land on one soon!  But 7 years of combined teaching tends to "taint" some perfectly good names!  We did register Saturday.  I think Darren enjoyed it for about 20 minutes... by the end, I think everything pink was scanned, mostly blankets.  I was very thankful that my parents had gone with me to walk through and give some advice about what to register for. 
As of today, we are 20 weeks- halfway there!  We have a LOT to do, but I think we'll get there- especially once Darren graduates with his Master's Degree in May!!  I'm just starting to feel a little movement that is unmistakeably our little one reminding me of her presence.  I can't wait for Darren to be able to feel her too!  It seems like the first half has gone by quickly, and I know the second half will fly by even more!  I've finally reached the point where the bump is out to stay- it helps that the temperature has taken away any good excuse for a jacket... so, here's a picture from a little over two weeks ago- the day of the reveal party.  

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Then Comes the Baby!

Not quite ready for the baby carriage, but my belly is taking care of that for now!

I waited until I had something positive to say about being pregnant to write about it.  I have to say, the first trimester was a rough go!  I think I was sick more times in those 11 weeks (weeks 1-4 were no problem, it was 5-15 that were!) than I have been in my entire life combined.  So, we have passed that hurdle, and just as the doctor (and most every website) predicted, week 15 came and brought a much calmer belly with it!

So here we are, 16 weeks, 3 days. And speaking of my belly, it has jumped out in the past week.  I put some pants on that I wore last week with a ponytail holder on the buttons, and this morning they would not even start to zip.  So, with the BellaBand and another ponytail holder, I made them work for the day, but they will probably not be seen again for a while.  I went shopping Saturday, thought I was going to just walk into Target or NY&Co and buy some basic shirts, that they may stretch/bulge a little, but would be fine for a few more months... I was WRONG!  I ended up in Motherhood Maternity and Target's Maternity section- did not expect that to happen so fast!  The only thing I have worn from there are the pants, which are surprisingly very comfortable... but I did get some things for the next few months.  Suddenly this week, my students and other teachers are noticing this little bump that has appeared.  So, either the lack of getting sick and now eating is going straight to my stomach, or I am in fact officially showing :) I kept saying I was ready to look as pregnant as I felt, so now I can believe that there is a baby in there, not just a bug (although my doctor did call it a parasite last week...)

We go to the doctor March 7, and will find out what we're having on March 12 with several family members, via a cake.  I am glad we'll be able to share that time with all of our parents, my sister and her family, and one or both of Darren's sisters.  It sure beats dragging everyone into an ultrasound room!  Hopefully finding out will help us in the name search... Two teachers picking a non-tainted name is proving to be difficult!  Revealing the name is still up in the air... for me... Darren can't keep a secret!  I feel like after the 12th, things will start rolling- the planning, the shopping, etc.  We'll see how the actual "blogging" process goes... I have found that I love reading everyone else's, but not so great at typing my own!  We have a picture of the baby at week 7, but it looks more like a gummy bear than a baby.  I'll see if I can get it scanned in and added soon!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Then Came Marriage...

On October 2, 2009, my three preacher brothers donned suits,

Darren put on a tux,


and I put on a white dress. 

At 6pm we walked down the isle of a small church in Atoka, Tennessee and started what would become our "Happily Ever After..."

Friday, January 21, 2011

First, the Love...

Here we are at the Mud Bowl, Memorial Day weekend '09.  Yup, so this is me (and my future maid of honor, Amber).  Darren got cleaned up before he was caught on camera.  God MUST have been in control to have it start here!
So, we began talking over the next few days.  The next weekend was Darren's sister, Jaclyn's wedding reception (did I mention we used their parents' house for the mud bowl- the same backyard as her reception?).  Darren asked me to join him, which I did.  When he took me home, he made his interests known, to which I gently replied that I was not interested in him or anyone else for that matter.  So, I proceeded to do what any mature woman would do, I completely ignored him for the next three days.  We ended up at the same concert that following Tuesday night, followed by ice cream with the group.  He pulled me aside afterward and we had a chat (that lasted until 2 the next morning).  I decided that maybe avoiding the friendship on the basis of fear that it would become something more was not the best idea.  I went to Oklahoma at the end of that week and I spent more time on the phone texting him than I did anything.  My dad asked what that was all about, I told him nothing, he said yeah right... He knew, even though I didn't.  (Side note, at Jaclyn's reception, Darren's dad told his mom that we would end up married.  Wise fathers...)
I came back to TN, his family sells fireworks for the 4th, and being a teacher, I had nothing to do, so I joined in the fun and spent a good part of the next 2 weeks hanging out in a fireworks tent.  At the end of the two weeks, we knew we would be married by the end of the year.
One trip to Oklahoma to meet the fam, one trip to Florida with John's family later, we were engaged on July 16...